What a wacky, fun sequel! I always have fun with the insane surreal adventures you guys create! It was the first game I played in this spongebob game compilation video, I'd love for you to see my experience!
This game was funny and spooky and got me a lot of times! I played through the game on my YouTube channel if you wanna watch it before downloading. And maybe subscribe to me if you want!
Quando chega na parte de falar com a Cendy o jogo fica bugado, não consigo nem mover e nem fazer alguma outra coisa. Simplesmente o jogo só da pra fechar e abrir novamente, mas continua dando o mesmo problema.
Combo, is there gonna be a 3rd version? if there is here is my version.
STORY after you blew up the human Sandwich, potrick was quick enough to escape through the back door, you somehow survived the explosion and see the body of sandy cheeks, and in the dumpster out back lies planktions body.
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What a wacky, fun sequel! I always have fun with the insane surreal adventures you guys create! It was the first game I played in this spongebob game compilation video, I'd love for you to see my experience!
hello, it's impossible to pay for this game by paypal. is it possible for the developer to fix it? or I'd like to pay in different way.
try again please
still :(
do you have other payment options?
why i dont have buy make a credit card , i dont have a paypal
another WWW
i cannot purchase it through paypal, can you fix it ?
It won't let me purchase it
I want to buy it. I don't understand why the payment freezes every time. It's 2 days that happens and only on this.
now try :)
Patrick Is Back To Kill Everyone 🧽🔪
Please make a 3rd I love this so much !!
Please keep this series going 😭😭 I love these games so much
Why is that one fish DUMBY THICCC... makin me love this series even more
Android port please
prob wont happen bc it would be unfair that u have to pay 2$ on pc.
Jeu d'horreur très drôle, j'aime beaucoup son univers !
Loved the Game!! German Gameplay here! <3 ↓
the police model you create in Fuse
This game was funny and spooky and got me a lot of times! I played through the game on my YouTube channel if you wanna watch it before downloading. And maybe subscribe to me if you want!
Patrick Strikes Again! |Potrik Snap 2|
Quando chega na parte de falar com a Cendy o jogo fica bugado, não consigo nem mover e nem fazer alguma outra coisa. Simplesmente o jogo só da pra fechar e abrir novamente, mas continua dando o mesmo problema.
Loved the Game!! German Gameplay here! <3 ↓
Combo, is there gonna be a 3rd version? if there is here is my version.
after you blew up the human Sandwich, potrick was quick enough to escape through the back door, you somehow survived the explosion and see the body of sandy cheeks, and in the dumpster out back lies planktions body.
Thats it for now i got no ideas.
How to get original game? if I'm payed this version
We need another Potrick Snap! Are you going to make a 3rd one?!
had a great time playing this!!
Loved the Game!! German Gameplay here! <3 ↓
great sequel the lore is crazy for this game
Show post...
The bloated Patrick 2!can you like add it to steam plz
i can't
cant start the game because of: "XAPOFX1_5.dll cant be found."
and "X3DAudio1_7.dll cant be found."
help pls
you need to update directx
wont let me install
insanely funny & good
Nice game, I've already made a vid on the first one, i need to make a vid on the second one two!
Had fun playing this, had some funny moments. Cant wait for the next one!
Can you make this game free for 10 hours or 1 day.