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Very good game.

combo bomb with ANOTHER banger

this was a fever dream

god damit how do you play it someone needs to make a tutoril

every time i click open it brings me here

was fun was free cant complain 10/5 kirmito

This game was honestly super funny and some of the scares had me jumping too it was quite a journey this game for how short it was, it was a masterpiece anyways I cant wait to see what else you create!

crazy game :D 

(1 edit)

Buen juego lo disfrute mucho aqui dejo mi gameplay español

jeje good lokete

Buen juego

Cool game.


Absolutely loved it! Amazing. Funny and freaky!! Definitely made jump! Thanks for making it!

Really Nice Game . 4/5

Bushri Cleaner for Bermito's house Gameplay

Good game 🔥

Check My video and Subscribe Please 

Very fun game to play! Yours is the 3rd video

potrick 4 when



solid game!!! LMAOOO

kermito is trying to smash 
Deleted post

I really had a blast playing this! Hopefully we get to see what happens next!

Good Job

absolutely love the game keep up the excellent work


Muy buen juego JAJA

why can't purchase


how do you get the game

download it duh

how do you make it so you play it

thats kermito

do have 2nd verison burshri cleaner for bermtio house 2

please make the game free or at least add a demo I really want to play and I don't have $3 I also followed you

Seeing Kermit with a wig is traumatic!

this game worked and I could play it from start to finish on my computer

Lemme just say, I *love* kermito! Please give my video a like or comment if you get a chance. I'd be honored haha

will this game be free for the day

Me when i cant buy the game: 

(1 edit)

A fun game and a beautiful and unexpected story. I wish you continuity and look forward to your games.
 great thanks to hazem  hope that God will protect you and grant you all the best.

I Love the games on itch but they shouldn't have a price Im ngl

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